Gideon's Way: Boy with Gun

Gideon's Way is a series I have never seen, and am only just starting today with this episode, since I found it is available online. I actually came round to this series in a rather roundabout way. I have been watching Budgie, a show I know for a fact I watched several years ago, didn't like at the time, but thought I would give it another go. It strikes me as very old fashioned because of the way Adam Faith speaks cockney, even Cockney rhyming slang - old fashioned because Cockney has largely given way to London Multicultural English out here in the real world. The other cockney sparrow I could think of on TV was Ben in Dr Who, played by Michael Craze, which led me straight to Boy with Gun. The plot goes like this: A tale of boys gone wrong. Chris Kirk ( Howard Knight ) has been mothered too much but his father, Police Surgeon Doctor Kirk ( Anthony Bate ) is overbearing. When cornered by three leather-coated, knife-wielding yobs who want to steal the shotgun his father b...